

美中教育交流协会的专业升学顾问服务,提供您全面的介绍,终有一项推荐会是您孩子赴美学习的完美方案. 孩子赴美留学, 儿行千里母担忧,我们会长对每一个孩子在美国学习,生活的持续关心,热心关怀, 使得家长们大为感激 !

美中教育交流协会是一个针对在中国和美国之间开展文化,教育,人材交流等活动的机构,成立于 2000年。总部设于美国西岸加州的Diamond Bar City,分部位于东岸麻州的Lexington City。协会的宗旨是在于推进和促进美国与中国在学校之间,学生之间以及中美传统文化之间 的交流与互访.协会在亚洲的服务区域包括中国大陆,香港,台湾,新加坡等地区的华人子弟.


协会创办人刘束荑女士具有英文学士学位和美国教育研究所的背景,刘女士多年服务于教育界,拥有丰富的教学经验和专业知识.曾在多所大学内为留学生担任英文指导.并和加州当地市长,学区教委,学校校长维持良好的丰富人脉关系,精通美国教育制度,雍有专业的升学顾问团队负责学生的平日学习和升大学的一系列辅导可以帮助学生 达到进入美国名校的目标。此外在地寄宿家庭的优质 服务早已获得国内家长的认可和肯定。


America-Sino Educational Exchange Association was established in 2000. Our company is working as a bridge between the United States and Asian countries to provide services relating to educational consultant business, such as recruiting students from overseas to study in the USA with range from middle school, English language program, undergraduate, graduate program, professional certificate programs and summer/winter camp. Our footprint spans all over Asia with students from countries like China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. We have successfully assisted hundreds of students embark on their American dream, by helping them to obtain F-1 visas for overseas education. Some of students have already completed their master’s degree and returned to their country to become leaders of their generation. We have a success rate of over ninety-five percent when it comes to visa application. We have won great recognition among those students and parents, and our business has grown rapidly in recent years with a liaison office in Beijing .

The founder of ASEEA, Ms. Marsha Liu graduated from National Taiwan Normal University with a Bachelors of Arts degree in English and has studied at Graduate Program in Northern Illinois University majoring in Special Education. She has profound experience working as an independent student counselor with several universities in California such as Biola University, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and La Sierra University. Ms. Liu has a strong network with local city mayor, school district and school principals as the CEO of America-Sino Educational Exchange Association since 2008. ASEEA has a good team of supporters in every fields of its business such as homestay, local services (insurance, transportation, medical services, driving class, housing rental etc).

In order to expand our territory of services especially in China, there is a radio broadcasting program in China titled “The Second Running Line,” started in July of this year, focusing on studying in the US. We have answered live questions during our radio program, in order to help more and more students taking their first step in pursuing American education in the future.

Bethel Christian Schools California Preparatory College Fairway Education Center Oxford School South Hills Academy Southlands Christian School Southwestern Academy Upland Christian Academy California State University, Long Beach The Los Angeles Film School Appreciation Certificate from County of Los Angeles